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Amethyst: The gemstone of kings, saints and activist

Amethyst: The gemstone of kings, saints and activist

Around the world and within different cultures, choosing a birthstone has been a tradition for many years. Thus, each month can be associated with its own special gemstone, this gemstone is a symbol of good luck, protection and healing for many people. The month of February has now arrived and in this month amethyst is the designated birthstone. In this extensive blog we will delve deeper into the world of amethyst, here we will look at its history, meaning, properties and popular uses.

History of the Amethyst

The amethyst is a beautiful gemstone that has different shades of purple. This stone has a rich history dating back to ancient times. The name "amethyst" is derived from the Greek word "amethystos," which means "not intoxicated. The ancient Greeks thought that wearing an amethyst would protect them from intoxication, so they used the stone to make drinking cups and more.

In addition to the Greeks, amethysts were also greatly valued in Roman times. The officials and priests of this era wore amethysts to maintain their sobriety, this way they believed they could always make clear decisions. But this was not all, the stone was also considered a symbol of luxury. Thus, even at this time it was widely used to make jewellery for people in higher classes.

In medieval times, the amethyst was especially popular among bishops; they believed that an amethyst would protect them from spiritual pollution. And as in Roman times, the stone was popular among people with status, for example, European royalty. The amethyst was often incorporated into crown jewels and scepters.

Meaning and Symbolism 

The amethyst has been given various meanings and symbols over the centuries. As mentioned earlier, the main connection is with sobriety and the prevention of intoxication. This symbolic connection goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks.

The amethyst also symbolizes wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. In many different cultures both past and present, it is believed that the stone can help clarify the mind, promote clear thinking and encourage intellectual growth. Because of these properties of the stone, a large group of people are attracted to it. Amethyst is a popular choice for people involved in the study of stones. On a spiritual level, amethyst is often associated with the seventh chakra, the crown chakra; it is connected to consciousness and higher insight. The stone can also establish a deeper connection with the divine.

Amethyst proporties

Most people will recognize an amethyst by its striking purple color, ranging from pale lilac to deep violet. The purple color is caused by traces of iron, titanium and other minerals in the stone's crystal lattice. The intensity and purity of the color can vary greatly, making each stone unique.

An interesting property of the amethyst is that its purple color can change under the influence of heat. Heating the stone can intensify the purple color or turn the stone yellow or brown. Also, when the stone turns yellow you no longer call it amethyst, but citrine. When the stone turns yellow it is often because its properties have changed. Besides heating, the purple color of amethyst can also lighten when it comes into contact with (a lot of) sunlight. So if you want to keep the deep purple color, be careful with this.

In terms of hardness, amethyst belongs to the quartz group, ranking 7 on the Mohs scale. This is a reasonable hardness for gemstones, yet a little care should be taken with this stone. In fact, if you wear it a lot in a piece of jewellery, it may get scratched and damaged.

Use of Amethyst

Jewellery: The amethyst is a popular choice for jewellery because of its beautiful color and symbolic meaning. Amethysts are used in a variety of jewellery; rings, pendants,bracelets, brooches and more. In addition to the different colors, amethysts can also be cut in different ways, including oval, round, heart-shaped, square and more. So there are countless options available when it comes to amethysts.

Gem therapy: Due to the healing and spiritual properties of the amethyst, this is a gemstone that is often used during gem therapy. It is said to help calm the mind, reduce stress and promote inner peace. Commonly, people wear the amethyst around their neck as a pendant or lay the gemstone down on specific parts of the body during meditation.

Spiritual practices: Looking at various spiritual traditions, the amethyst is frequently used as an aid in meditation and rituals. In these traditions, it is often associated with opening the third eye and expanding consciousness. In some cultures, they believe that an amethyst can help explore higher dimensions.

Decoration: In addition to the fact that amethysts can be incorporated into jewellery, it is also used for decorative items. For example, you can think of figurines, amulets and carved objects with the stone. The deeper color and clarity of the stone makes an amethyst an attractive choice for arts and crafts.

Birthstone jewellery: For many people, wearing their birthstone is a personal symbol of good fortune and protection. Amethysts are embedded in beautiful designs for birthstone rings, necklaces and other pieces specifically tailored to those born in February.

Geological characteristics of the Amethyst

Amethysts are formed in geodes, which are hollow rocks with crystals on the inside. These geodes are created by volcanic activity, so geodes are often found in rocks such as granite and basalt. The color of the gemstone is influenced by the presence of iron in the crystals and by heat treatment.

The main sources of amethysts include Brazil, Uruguay, Russia, India, Zambia and South Africa. Each country and area in the country where amethyst is mined produces amethysts with unique characteristics, such as variations in color, clarity and size of the crystals.


In conclusion, the amethyst, whose birth month is February, has a rich and fascinating history dating back to ancient times. From the Greek belief that it offered protection against drunkenness to its association with spiritual growth and intuition in modern times. To this day, the amethyst holds special significance on several levels. Its beautiful purple color and unique symbolism make it not only a popular choice for jewellery, but also a stone valued in crystal therapy and spiritual practices.

Over the centuries, the amethyst has remained popular, worn by royalty and loved for its aesthetic and spiritual qualities. For those born in February, the amethyst is not only their birthstone but also a source of protection, clear thinking and spiritual connection. Wearing amethyst as jewellery offers not only a beautiful way to celebrate one's birth month, but also a sense of elegance and deeper meaning.

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